bioCEED’s competence project PRIME (How implementation of PRactice can IMprove relevance and quality in discipline and professional Educations) investigates how increased level of practical experience influences learning in higher education. PRIME is funded by The Research Council of Norway and is a collaboration between bioCEED, Uni Research Environment and private and public workplaces where biologists work.
A long term goal for PRIME is to evaluate how different teaching methods (with particular focus on practical work) affects the candidates career and work opportunities after completing their degree.
About biologipraksis UiB
The blog biologipraksis UiB (see screenshot on top of page) is written by biology students during internships in local companies. This work experience is part of the courses BIO198 and BIO298 at the Department of Biology, University of Bergen and was initiated by PRIME and bioCEED in 2014.
During the course, students perform relevant practical tasks at a workplace and develop work experience as biologists. Students choose their training host among a list of selected workplaces. The blogs report on:
- Expectations about internships,
- Experiences, collaborations and practical activities,
- How theoretical knowledge is implemented in practical tasks,
- Acquired knowledge linked to specific practical experiences,
- Knowledge they would like to explore further at the University,
- Transferable skills.
The blog biologipraksis UiB is available here.
Project members:
[simple-staff-list group=”PRIME”]