About bioCEED
bioCEED develops biology educations that fill future needs in science and society. We achieve this by connecting scientific knowledge, practical skills and societal applications throughout our educations, and by bringing the strengths of the research culture into the educational practice.
Over the past decades we have seen a rapid development in the roles and responsibilities of biology - and biologists - in society. Today, evolutionary thinking is important not only in the biology sciences, but also in medicine, information technology, management, humanities and social sciences. The practical skills of biologists, from genetic engineering to ecosystem assessment and analysis, are increasingly in demand in research, industry, and governance. The global challenges related to food production, environment and climate also requires biological solutions. The role of biologists in society can be seen as a (growing) triangle in the tension between theory, practice and society.
The rapid developments in the role of biology and biologists in society place new demands, not only to the content of biology education, but also to how we educate tomorrow's biologists.
bioCEED will:
make use of the entire biological 'triangle' in education by giving students experience with theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and socially relevant tasks throughout their studies. This will be achieved in part by:
- continued focus on 'field and lab'
- provide internships in research, management and industry
- change from a culture of ‘teaching’ to one of ‘learning’
- engage students actively in their own learning
- develop and test innovative teaching and learning methods across the 'triangle'
- share experiences through web resources, workshops, educational exchange, conferences and publications
- bring the best from the research culture into our teaching culture
- shared responsibility, continuous development, ‘peer-review' and recognition
- create room for discussion, exchange of experiences, learning and development
- document and disseminate knowledge and experience with biology teaching
The goal is that our programs will develop basic academic skills and attitudes in our students, while preparing them to solve important problems in science, industry, and society.
bioCEED is a collaboration between biology programs at UIB (run by the Department of Biology, with contributions from many collaborators at UIB and externally) and UNIS (Arctic Biology), education science (Department of Education, UIB) and practical training (represented by The Institute for Marine Research, but including a range of private and public research, industry, and environmental management institutions), as well as our partners at home and abroad.