bioSKILLS aims to:
- Focus on the importance of transferable skills in biology education
- Develop learning goals in numerical competence, dissemination, writing and practical skills in field and laboratory work at course and programme level
- Streamline and link teaching and learning of skills throughout the curriculum
- Focus on the skills training on relevance, methodology and practices - in close relation to biological applications and data.
bioST@TS is a web-based platform helping students get a better grip on statistical approaches and increase their numerical competences. bioST@TS introduces biology students to coding in R/Rstudio.
Learning Arctic Biology
Learning Arctic Biology provides material and information, including links to further reading, about Arctic ecosystems and organisms living within the Arctic.
bioPRAKSIS - biologipraksis UiB
bioPRAKSIS is a platform where biology students enrolled in BIO298 - Workplace Practice in Biology, BIO299 - Research Practice in Biology, and BIO364 - Plant functional traits international fieldcourse communicate on their experience in the form of blogposts.
Teach To Learn
TE2LE actively involves students in the production of short video tutorials of lab/field/cruise methods. Click here to read the project description.
Learning Through Experience
Learning Through Experience is a platform where biology students enrolled in AB-208 Internship in Arctic Biology communicate on their experience in the form of blogposts.
bioPITCH & the Student Poster Symposium
bioCEED in collaboration with BIO organize a biannual Student Poster Symposium that invites students across 10+ courses in biology and guest courses to publicly present their work. The Symposium is part of the assessment in all participating courses. bioPITCH showcases all the posters that have been presented since Fall 2016. Click here to read more about the previous editions of the poster symposium.
bioSPIRE offers bachelor students the opportunity to join an ongoing research project at BIO for a short duration (max. 40 hours). Students get both skills and a taste of practical biology.
UNISprout offers bachelor students the opportunity to join an ongoing research project at UNIS for a short duration (max. 40 hours). Students get both skills and a taste of practical biology.
Numerical Competence and Student-Active Research
The project "Numerical Competence and Student-Active Research" focuses on developing and extending the learning platform bioST@TS with quantitative methods and tools, and support student participation in research programs that train numerical skills. The project benefited from a grant from The Olav Thon Foundation.