bioCEED’s photo contest 2018

How to submit pictures?

Participants may submit as many pictures as they wish. Submission is free of charge. Submission to the contest must be completed via Instagram by tagging the pictures with @sfubioceed. Note that submission via Instagram MUST occur via an open account (not private) so that your pictures can be made available to the jury. Alternatively, if you wish to submit pictures via a private account, you need to add @sfubioceed to your contacts (you may send a direct message to @sfubioceed to express you wish to add sfubioceed to your contacts, if needed).

By using @sfubioceed for picture submission, participants declare to have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions detailed on the present page.

Between December 1st and December 15th, bioCEED will gather all the submitted pictures. The jury, composed of biologists, higher education researchers and biology students will then select the best pictures in each of the four categories. The selected pictures will be displayed on along with the name/username of the participant.



Participants to “bioCEED’s photo contest 2018” may submit pictures in the following four categories:

  • Coolest organism or biology-related structure,
  • Coolest selfie with organism or biology-related structure,
  • lab-life,
  • Learning biology.


Who may participate?

Everyone is both allowed and encouraged to submit pictures, but only registered biology students and employees of the following institutions will be eligible for a prize:
  • Department of Biological Sciences (BIO), University of Bergen
  • Institute of Marine Research (HI)
  • Department of Arctic Biology, University Centre in Svalbard (AB).

Members of bioCEED, members of the jury, and their immediate family members (spouse, child, parent, sibling and their respective spouse) are welcome to submit pictures, but are not eligible for a prize.


Deadlines for submission

Pictures may be submitted until December 1st. Past the deadline, the submitted pictures will not be considered for the contest.


Criteria for selection 

The jury will use the following criteria for pictures selection and ranking:

  • relevance to (at least) one of the four categories, 
  • aesthetics, 
  • picture quality.

The best picture in each category will be awarded by the jury. The owner(s) of the awarded pictures (i.e. the winners) will be eligible for a Visa/Mastercard giftcard (value: 500NOK).

In the case where the owner of an awarded picture did not qualify for entering the contest, refuses the prize, does not take contact with bioCEED within a month upon publication of the results on and/or bioCEED’s Facebook page, or is disqualified for any other reason, a new winner among the remaining nominated pictures will be selected and contacted.


How will the winners be contacted

Upon selection of the awarded pictures by the jury, the Instagram account used to submit the awarded picture will be sent a private/direct message with information and instructions to follow. Publication of the results will also be made on and/or on bioCEED’s Facebook page.


Requirements for submitting pictures

By submitting pictures to the contest, participants declare that each of the following requirements is fulfilled at all time:

  1. the submitted pictures are the participant’s own original work.
  2. the submitted pictures are original photographs which depict a real situation.
  3. people represented on the picture(s) have given permission to being photographed by the participant.
  4. submission of the picture(s) does not infringe on anyone’s rights.
  5. the picture or submission of the picture does not infringe on the copyrights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
  6. the picture or submission of the picture does not breach any law.
  7. the picture does not contain obscene and otherwise inappropriate content.
  8. participants give bioCEED the non-exclusive right to use and reproduce the submitted picture(s) for the purpose of illustration, online/printed publication, online/printed profiling, and research in the foreseeable future. The submitted pictures used by bioCEED in the frame of the above-mentioned purposes will be credited with the author’s name (or username), unless a specific request for anonymity is has been made. This covers occasional use. In cases where more extensive use of a particular photo is desired, the owner will be contacted and terms and conditions negotiated.
  9. participants give bioCEED the right to perform minor digital editing on the submitted pictures (such as minor cropping, adjustment of contrast and brightness) in case of publication.
  10. participants give bioCEED the right to store their picture(s) along with their name or username in an internal photo archive. This internal photo archive will be made accessible only to bioCEED members.

Pictures which do not fulfill one or more of the aboved-mentionned requirements will be discarded/disqualified.


Right to cancel or suspend the contest

If, for any reason, the contest is not capable of running as expected, bioCEED reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend and cancel the contest. Information will be published on and/or on bioCEED’s Facebook page.