bioCEED's competance project PRIME (How implementation of PRactice can IMprove relevance and quality in discipline and professional Educations) has as a goal to investigate how increased level of practical experience will increase learning in higher education. PRIME is a collaboration between bioCEED, NORCE Miljø and collaborators in the private and public sector.
A long term goal for PRIME is to evaluate how different teaching methods (with particular focus on practical work) affects the candidates' career and work opportunities after completing their degree.
Due to PRIME's work in bioCEED, Dept. of Biological Sciences now offers a new course specifically targeting practice in education: BIO298.
BIO298 will give the education and the future more relevant (to the students) through practical work experience in a workplace relevant to biologists. The students will use biological knowledge on work-relevant tasks and get first hand experience as a biologist. The work experience will also highlight the professional knowledge biology provides to the society as a whole as well as specific work environments.
More information of currently available project partners for students as well as general information about BIO298 is available here.
PRIME project description available here
Students communicate their experience in blog posts
Live from fieldwork or work placement, students share their experience in blog posts (Learning Through Experience at UNIS and Biologipraksis UiB at UiB) and communicate their passion for biology.