bioCEED for Educators
Here we have gathered some of the bioCEED resourses for educators.
- Use bioST@TS as part of your course material
- Apply for project funds
- Check out our bioCEED seminar series:
- Social Media in Education
- Evaluation and quality assurance, with Roy Andersson
- Team Based Learning, with Silje Mæland
Studentaktiv undervisning – erfaringer fra grunnleggende kurs i fysikk v/ professor Anders Malthe-Sørenssen, Universitetet i Oslo
- Active learning, with Cissy Ballen
- Strengthen the link between guest lectures and topics in a course, with Mads Forchhammer
- Making (use of) videos in Teaching and Learning, with Jonathan Soule
- Check out Jorun Nyléhn’s blog “biologididaktikk” and find useful tips and advice (in Norwegian)
- Learn to use OBS Studio to video-record your presentations (lectures, flipped classroom, etc.)
- and more to come…
Photo credits: Paul Sigve Amundsen/Forskerforum;